Former permanent members
Amaury Lambert (PR ÉNS). AL is now professor at the biology department of École Normale Supérieure. He is a specialist of random trees and of stochastic modeling and statistical inference in population genetics and phylogenetics. He leads the SMILE group, one of the 20 research groups of the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CIRB, Collège de France). Former head of the group 2011-2017.
Emmanuel Schertzer (MC Sorbonne Université). ES is currently on leave at the University of Vienna. He is a probabilist with expertise in stochastic modeling for population genetics and theoretical ecology. ES is interested in applying results from probability theory (such as branching processes) to understand exchangeable population models, and also to investigate how spatial structure and recombination have shaped the genetic diversity and the ecological composition of extant populations.
Catherine Larédo (DR INRAE), HDR. CL was a senior research scientist at INRAE.
Julien Berestycki (MC Sorbonne Université), HDR. JB is currently on leave at Oxford University.
Former phD students
Lucas Ducrot. PhD defended in May 2024 under the supervision of G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM) and in collaboration with P. Benusiglio (APHP, Sorbonne University, Paris, France) on clinical models for the genetics of the Li-Fraumeni syndrome, ([|see the manuscript here]]). Lucas is now a post-doc at INRIA, Montpellier.
Bastien Chassagnol. PhD defended in August 2023 under the supervision G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM), in collaboration with P.-H. Wuillemin (LIP6, Sorbonne University, Paris, France) and M. Guedj (Servier, France), ([|see the manuscript here]]). BC was working on change-point models for detecting Gene x Environment interactions in Cancer.
Alexandra Lefebvre. PhD defended in January 2022 under the supervision G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM) and A. Duval (INSERM, Saint-Antoine Hospital) with a funding of Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer, (see the manuscript here). With a dual biology-mathematics background, AL has worked on Bayesian network and survival analysis with applications in cancer genetics. AL is now a post-doc at IBENS
Félix Foutel-Rodier. PhD defended on January 2021 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision of A. Lambert (SBG, LPSM) and E. Schertzer (SBG, LPSM). FFR is now a post-doc at Oxford Univ.
Léa Longepierre. PhD defended in July 2020 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision of C. Matias (SBG, LPSM). Her work focused on statistical analysis of dynamic random graphs. LL is now data scientist at Kiro.
Jean-Jil Duchamps. PhD defended in December 2019 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision A. Lambert (SBG, LPSM). JJD worked on stochastic modeling of phylogenetic trees via fragmentation and coalescent processes. He is now assistant professor at Université de Franche Comté.
Nicolas Thomas. PhD defended in June 2019 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision M. Thieullen (SBG, LPSM) and V. Lemaire (LPSM). NT worked on probabilistic numerical methods with applications in Neurosciences. NT is now a data scientist.
François Bienvenu. PhD defended in 2019 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision of F. Débarre (CIRB, Collège de France) and A. Lambert (SBG, LPSM). FB is working on random graphs models of evolution. He is curently a junior fellow at ETHZ.
Verónica Miró Pina. PhD defended in September 2018 (see the manuscript here) under the supervision A. Lambert (SBG, LPSM) and E. Schertzer (SBG, LPSM). VMP has a background in biology and mathematics and she is working in probabilistic models in Population Genetics. She is currently a post-doc at CGR (Barcelona).
Ikram Allam. PhD defense in 2018 under the supervision of G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM) and A.-C. Camproux (MTi, Paris Diderot). (see the manuscript here). IA is now a Senior Software Engineer.
Eric Adjakossa. PhD defense in 2017 under the supervision of G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM) and A. Garcia (IRD UMR 216, Paris Descartes).
Pierre-Antoine Corre. PhD defended in 2017 under the supervision of Julien Berestycki (SBG, LPSM).
Gilles Monneret. PhD started in 2014 under the supervision G. Nuel (SBG, LPSM) and F. Jaffrézic (INRA, Jouy-en-Josas). Defense scheduled in February 2018. Funding: ED386.
Vincent Renault. PhD defense in 2016 under the supervision of E. Trélat (LJLL, UPMC) and M. Thieullen (SBG, LPSM). Funding ED386.
Alexis Vigot. PhD defense in 2016 under the supervision M. Thieullen (SBG, LPSM).
Alexandre Genadot. PhD defense in 2013 under the supervision of M. Thieullen (SBG, LPSM). Funding ED386.
Former visitors
Luca Brusa (PhD student, University of Milano Bicocca). Visiting from January to March, 2022.
Olivier Bouaziz (MC Paris Descartes). OB is an expert in survival analysis, with applications to the biomedical field. His research mainly focuses on new estimation methods for recurrent event data, competing risk/multi state models, interval censoring and new algorithms for detecting heterogeneity in survival analysis. Delegation CNRS (6 months): February-July, 2018.
Vivien Goepp (PhD student, Paris Descartes). VG has a background in engineering and statistics. He is currently interested in models of heterogeneity in survival analysis based on penalized likelihood methods. Visiting SBG from February to July, 2018.
Alexander Hartmann (PR University of Oldenburg, Germany). Spring, 2016.
Sabin Lessard (PR Université de Montréal, Canada). Fall, 2015.
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