====== Elias Nohra ====== [[users:nohra:index|{{ :users:nohra:fr.jpg?30|cette page en français}}]] {{ :users:nohra:photo-eliasnohra_7_.jpg?200 |Elias}} ---- I am a PhD candidate in mathematics at the [[https://www.lpsm.paris/|LPSM]], [[https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/|Sorbonne Université]]. \\ I was awarded the [[https://www.fondation-cfm.org/en/th%C3%A8ses|“Jean-Pierre Aguilar” PhD fellowship]] of the [[https://www.fondation-cfm.org/la-fondation|CFM]]. \\ I belong to the research group [[https://www.lpsm.paris/equipes/dpg/index|Dynamics, probability, and geometry]]. \\ E-mail: lastname@lpsm.paris. \\ Address: Sorbonne Université, LPSM – 4, place Jussieu – 75005 Paris. \\ Office: 16-26-131.\\ ---- ===== Teaching 2023-2024 ===== * In Master 2 [[https://www.lpsm.paris/masters/modale/index|PMA]]: tutorial sessions for the course [[https://www.lpsm.paris/users/levyt/cgp|Convergence of measures, Large deviations, and Percolation]] taught by [[https://www.lpsm.paris/users/levyt/index|Thierry Lévy]]. [[users:nohra:TDCGP|This link]] contains the material and provides additional information about the tutorial. * In Licence 2: tutorials for the course P1.LU2MA260 - numerical series and series of functions. * In Licence 3: tutorials for the course P2.LU3MA210 - functional analysis. ---- ===== Research ===== I am currently conducting my research under the guidance of [[https://www.lpsm.paris/users/levyt/index|Thierry Lévy]] in the field of mathematical physics, at the interface of geometry, analysis, and probability. Specifically, my focus is on constructive field theory. My [[|master's thesis]] serves as a preliminary glimpse into the research directions I may pursue at the outset of my PhD studies. \\ ===== Talks in Conferences and Workshops ===== * March 6th, 2024 : presentation of [[https://ilyachevyrev.wordpress.com/|Ilya Chevyrev]]'s paper [[https://arxiv.org/abs/1808.09196|"Yang–Mills Measure on the Two-Dimensional Torus as a Random Distribution"]] in the workshop [[https://sites.google.com/site/totatdatmath/yang-mills|GdT Yang-Mills 2024]]. ---- \\ [[https://s01.flagcounter.com/count2/R20D/bg_FFFFFF/txt_000000/border_CCCCCC/columns_8/maxflags_250/viewers_0/labels_0/pageviews_0/flags_0/percent_0/|visitors]]