====== Maxence Petit ====== **[[users:mpetit:|(French version here)]]** {{ :users:mpetit:photo_maxence_petit.jpg?200 |Maxence Petit}} ---- PhD in mathematics at the [[https://www.lpsm.paris/|LPSM]] (Laboratoire de Probabilités, Statistique et Modélisation), [[https://www.sorbonne-universite.fr/|Sorbonne Université]] \\ I belong the research group [[https://www.lpsm.paris/equipes/smo/index|Structures et modèles aléatoires]] \\ E-mail : maxence.petit[at]ens-rennes.fr \\ Address : Sorbonne Université, LPSM – 4, place Jussieu – 75005 Paris \\ Office : 16-26-131\\ {{ :users:mpetit:cv_maxence_petit_anglais_1_.pdf |My CV}} ---- ===== Teaching ===== 2023-2024 : Tutorial of the course P1.LU2MA260 "Séries et séries de fonctions" in L2. You can find [[users:mpetit:seriestd|here]] information about it. ---- ===== Research - thesis ===== I work under the supervision of [[https://www.lpsm.paris/users/ikourkova/|Irina Kourkova]] and [[https://sandrofranceschi.wp.imt.fr/recherche/|Sandro Franceschi]] about the //Study of transient stochastic processes and Martin boundary with an analytical approach.// ---- ===== Conferences ===== 24 to 28 april 2023 : {{ :users:mpetit:poster_roscoff.pdf |poster}} at the conference [[https://40yearsofrbm.wp.imt.fr/|40 years of reflected Brownian motion and related topics]]. 13 to 17 november 2023 : {{ :users:mpetit:presentation_cargese_4_.pdf |talk}} on the asymptotics of Green functions for a reflected Brownian motion in a cone at the conference [[https://cargesecombinepic.wp.imt.fr/#:~:text=Colloque%20%C3%A0%20Carg%C3%A8se&text=Dates%20%3A%2013%2D17%20novembre%202023,et%20fin%20vendredi%20%C3%A0%2015h.&text=Transport%20et%20h%C3%A9bergement%20%3A%20L'organisation,l'aller%20et%20au%20retour. |Combinatoire elliptique et au delà !]] ---- ===== Pre-publications ===== [[https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.02673|Asymptotics for the Green's functions of a transient reflected Brownian motion in a wedge]] with Sandro Franceschi and Irina Kourkova